Monday, June 27, 2022


Summer's Bounty: Birds, Blooms, Beasts, & Babies -- When and where to spot them in the Mid-Atlantic

Discover when and where to find some of the Mid-Atlantic's summer nature bounty, including electric-blue birds atop crayon-yellow sunflowers; itsy-bitsy green treefrogs with racing stripes and sticky toes; bedazzling bugs; backyard squirrels that “fly;” and a sea of native lotus blossoms, worthy of Monet.

7/14, 7 p.m. : AUDUBON NATURALIST SOCIETY (Zoom. Registration required. $10 benefits ANS.)


Nature and Wildlife Photography: How to Hunt with Your Camera

Wildlife photographer and Virginia Master Naturalist Barbara Saffir will show her stunning wildlife photographs and talk about how you can learn to capture amazing shots with your camera in the DMV.

8/2, 6:30-7:30: CHANTILLY REGIONAL LIBRARY (In person. No pre-registration required. Free.)