Thursday, March 30, 7:30 p.m.
Free Book Talk (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Audubon Naturalist Society, 8940 Jones Mill Rd, Chevy Chase, MD, 301-652-9188
Jan. 19, 2017, 7 p.m.
Free Book Talk (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Audubon Naturalist Society, 8940 Jones Mill Rd, Chevy Chase, MD, 301-652-9188
Jan. 19, 2017, 7 p.m.
Free Book Talk (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Arlington Central Library (Arlington, VA public library)
Arlington Central Library (Arlington, VA public library)
1015 North Quincy St., Arlington, VA, 703-228-5990
Library: 12, 2016, 9 a.m. (registration required)
Free Book WALK: The North Face, Georgetown
Saturday, Oct. 22, 10:30 a.m.
Free Book Talk (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Patrick Henry branch library (Fairfax County public library)
101 Maple Ave., East, Vienna, VA, 703-938-0405 (by W&OD Trail & Route 123)
Thursday, Sept. 29, 11:50 a.m.
Meet The Authors course
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, George Mason University
Registration required:
Registration required:
Saturday, Sept. 24, 3-5 p.m.
Free Book WALK: Fit for a President: Presidential Homes
2131 R St., NW, Washington, DC
Registration required:
(Part of "WalkingtownDC," Cultural Tourism DC's annual walk program. This
is the nonprofit that stages DC's annual embassy tours.)
Thursday, Sept. 22, 7 p.m.
Registration required:
(Part of "WalkingtownDC," Cultural Tourism DC's annual walk program. This
is the nonprofit that stages DC's annual embassy tours.)
Thursday, Sept. 22, 7 p.m.
Free Book Talk (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Chantilly Regional Library (Fairfax County public library)
Chantilly Regional Library (Fairfax County public library)
4000 Stringfellow Rd., Chantilly,
VA, 703-502-3883
Online registration:
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Free Book WALK: Downtown: News Junkies East
Federal Triangle Metro, 302 12 St., NW, Washington, DC
Registration required:
(Part of "WalkingtownDC," Cultural Tourism DC's annual walk program. This
is the nonprofit that stages DC's annual embassy tours.)
Registration required:
(Part of "WalkingtownDC," Cultural Tourism DC's annual walk program. This
is the nonprofit that stages DC's annual embassy tours.)
Sept. 11, 2:30 p.m.
Free Book Talk (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library (Washington, DC public library)
Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library (Washington, DC public library)
4450 Wisconsin Ave., NW; Washington, DC, 202-727-1488
Sunday, June 26, 9:30 a.m.
Harvard Club of Washington, DC, 202-337-1300Georgetown book talk, walk, and signing. Registration required.
Members/guests: $20; nonmembers: $45 (includes book)
Sunday, June 26, 2 p.m.
Barnes & Noble, Tysons Corner Center mall
1921 Chain Bridge Rd., McLean, VA, 703-506-2937
(Note: Tysons -- on Metro's new Silver Line -- is reportedly the country's 10th largest mall.)
Free Book Talk (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Rockville Memorial Library (Montgomery County Public Library)
21 Maryland Ave., Rockville, Md.
Tuesday, May 3, 7 pm
Free Book Talk (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Oakton library (Fairfax County Public Library)
10304 Lynnhaven Pl., Oakton, VA (near I-66 and Route 123)
Online registration:
Saturday, April 30, Noon
Free Book Talk and Walk near the White House. (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Reiter's Books
1900 G St., NW, Washington, DC
(Please note that this is the ORIGINAL user-friendly and official "Walking Washington, DC" guidebook, whose title was apparently "stolen" after this book was published)Free Book Talk and Walk near the White House. (Signing/sale follows talk. Book purchase is optional.)
Reiter's Books
1900 G St., NW, Washington, DC